Why Didn’t My Story Win?

Writing competitions are a great way to get feedback. If you win or place, great, you know your story is good, perhaps amazing. If you make it to the short list, or even the long list, you know your story has merit. This is all positive stuff. Does it mean the story that wasn’t mentionedContinue reading “Why Didn’t My Story Win?”

Tips for Entering Writing Competitions

Writing competitions are a good way to reach readers and perhaps make a little money for your efforts. Some also offer written critiques or feedback for an extra fee. Aside from putting your best story forward, some of the practical considerations for entering writing competitions are listed below. It is imperative that you always checkContinue reading “Tips for Entering Writing Competitions”

Show, Don’t Tell – What Does it Mean?

Common advice to authors is ‘show, don’t tell’ but what does that mean? Showing is the paintbrush in the writer’s toolkit. It is the use of words to convey an impression or an understanding and through that to engage the reader in the story. It is the difference between delivering a fact to the readerContinue reading “Show, Don’t Tell – What Does it Mean?”

How to Write a Story in 25 Words or Less

Years ago I was introduced to Twitter fiction, back when a tweet maxed out at 140 characters (20 to 25 words). I started writing Twitter stories, usually in response to a prompt word which must be included in the story and I’ve been hooked ever since. The real challenge is to present a complete storyContinue reading “How to Write a Story in 25 Words or Less”

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